
Things I’ve replied to on the internet.

When someone says “Send me a (Web)mention,” I like to oblige. I guess it’s my inner urge to test and help others test that’s driving this puppy. So, hi John.

p.s. I’m not sure why, but your author information (name, website, etc.) didn’t come through with the Webmention. I found the service to be helpful to iron out a lot of my own bugs (it took a long time to figure out!).

I say we send all the webmentions. ALL OF THEM.

(I just tried the submit on his page but it returned a 405 error; so if you need a manual tool try

Thanks for spotting the 405 error. I was sending the mentions into the void at the wrong endpoint! It should work now.

@johnpeart I did something similar cause I think it’s fun. It’s a public task list, I might make them, I might not 😂 so yea, they fall often in the “idea” lane. I would love to see more people doing this. Even if I don’t do something, maybe someone else will. Kind of the opposite of what we were taught to do with all the copyright laws. It’s freeing. Let the ideas fly free!

I like the way you’ve put your backlog of blogposts and website tweaks on your to do list.

I might steal that idea!

Will this trigger a webmention?

@Jonathan Yes, it did trigger a webmention! It shows up on the original post as expected.

It didn’t trigger it properly though 🙁

The post content has come through, but it’s missing the ‘author’ so it shows up as an anonymous message. (I’ve tracked you down via the backend.)

In case it helps, I used the IndieWebify.Me service to check that my post mark-up was working. This is what it shows for your post; you’re missing a bit of mark-up.