Every civil servant has a wish list of things they get to do whilst they are in the Civil Service. Things like briefing ministers face-to-face, going into the Official’s box in the House of Commons or Lords.

Getting your photo taken outside Number 10 Downing Street is always top of the list. This isn’t the first photo I’d had the chance to have taken outside the famous doors, but it was probably the most special; this was the day of the Prime Minister’s annual pride reception1. I was very fortunate to have been invited to attend the reception – in my capacity as co-chair of the Civil Service LGBT+ Network.

The history books will record that day as something to do with the EU exit negotiations. The Prime Minister unfortunately couldn’t be there herself. For me, history books should say it was the anniversary of our team publishing the Government’s LGBT Action Plan, and the week we published our annual progress report (both of which I’d penned).


  1. The Prime Minister at the time being Theresa May, of course. ↩︎